Proposals Submission Deadline: September 15, 2019

Full Chapters Due: October 31, 2019
Submission Date: December 24, 2019



The proposed book will emphasize on digital platforms and implementations that are expected to improve the quality of healthcare services. The platforms are expected to improve patients’ treatment and diagnosis. They are also expected help Healthcare Units to control their expenses. The aim of the innovative applications is to improve the quality of healthcare data and to eliminate time of consuming tasks in healthcare sector. The proposed implementations will present new methods of making medical and nursing information easier and available to health professionals. The overall intention is the reduction of cost and improvement of cost-effectiveness in healthcare services.



The benefits of the new book emphasize on developing new strategies for reducing costs and improve the quality of healthcare services. The publication is expected to maximize the efficiency of hospital units and promote easy access to new technologies. The impact of the proposed publications is to help health policy makers to compare the cost and income of health services in a more rational and effective way. It will encourage health managers to use mobile technologies for raising revenues in hospitals and healthcare organizations. The proposed applications are valuable because they are expected to use new technologies for improving easy and cheap access to healthcare services.


Recommended Topics

Prevailing knowledge and research issues in the following are likely to be covered through contributed and invited chapters by international authors of specific field expertise: 
• Wearables 
• Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare 
• Financial management of diagnostic imaging examinations 
• Management of medical equipment 
• Βig data and analytics 
• Cloud computing in healthcare 
• Telemedicine 
• The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) 
• AR/VR/MR in healthcare chatbots 
• Blockchain


For more information and submission procedure, please visit IGI Global webpage. 

Submitted by admin on Thu, 08/25/2022 - 14:39